ES level 2 Symbol

Egyptian Sekhem Level Two

Egyptian Sekhem Level 2 Badge
ES level 2 Symbol

Egyptian Sekhem Level Two

Egyptian Sekhem Level 2 Badge

Egyptian Sekhem Second Level

This Second level is to further open the central channels and energy centre channels in order for you to receive more light.  It develops and expands upon the level one course.  Opportunities may arise to shift karmic debris, which is paramount at this time in humanities evolution. Level two is also about strengthening the connection to your higher self.  Techniques for releasing mental, emotional and physical blocks are taught, and further applications of the Energy are included to include:

  • Advanced healing techqniues
  • Egyptian Sekhem level two initiation
  • Level two sacred symbols
  • Focusing & Dispersing energy using symbols
  • Symbol power sandwiches for specific intentions
  • Releasing emotional & physical blocks
  • Time & Space healing
  • and more…

A comprehensive manual and certificate of accreditation provided, along with ongoing support.

Preparation for Egyptian Sekhem attunements

In the week leading up to the course try and distress by taking more time for yourself , meditating or self healing.  Avoid alcohol at least a week before the class and caffeine and nicotine at least a few days or so before beginning the course.  You may experience extra shifts on the days leading up to the attunements or slight adjustments on the day.  This is to enable your energy field to accept more light and is a beautiful, gentle gift to receive.  As you progress through the levels self care, self healing and self responsibility are important for your personal progression in becoming a clearer channel.